What is the maximum amount of codes I can generate?

The maximum amount of codes that can be generated depends on your subscription. It starts at 1,000 for the FREE trial account up to 10,000,000 (ten million) codes for our Great Gray Owl (Enterprise) subscription.

Check out our prices for all subscriptions and features: Prices page

Why is the result set smaller than the amount I requested?

The amount of possible unique codes is determined by the selected length and charactersets or by the selected pattern.
It is impossible to generate more unique codes than this amount.

By unchecking the "Remove look-a-likes" box you will probably get a somewhat larger result set. If this still is not enough, increase the length, selected charactersets or pattern to allow a larger amount of possible unique codes.

Should I use "Generate using characterset" or a "Generate using pattern"?

If you need codes of a specific length containing characters of a different types (uppercase, lowercase, digits, ...) you should "Generate using characterset". Codes like this are typically used for passwords and sweepstakes.
If you need codes that have a specific pattern (ie. XXX-9999-XX) you should "Generate using pattern". Codes like this are typically used for serial numbers and promotional codes.

A pattern can be defined by using the following characters:

  • X = Uppercase (A, B, C, ...)
  • x = Lowercase (a, b, c, ...)
  • 9 = Digits (0, 1, 2, ...)
  • A = Uppercase + digits (A, B, .. + 0, 1, ..)
  • a = Lowercase + digits (a, b, .. + 0, 1, ..)
  • # = Special characters ($, %, &, ...)
  • ! = Punctuation (!, ?, ...)
  • [ = Brackets ([, ], ...)
  • v = Vowels (a, e, i, ...)
  • c = Consonants (b, c, d, ...)
  • ? = Random from all characters above
  • / = Escape character

How do I create pronounceable codes?

To create pronounceable codes use the "Generate using pattern" option. Pronouncable codes are defined by a pattern where vowels (a, e, i, ...) and consonants (b, c, d, ...) are used in an alternating fashion. Do not use more than two vowels or consonants repeatedly.

Some example of patterns that create pronouncable codes are:

  • vcvcvcv = Vowel / Consonant / Vowel / Consonant / Vowel / Consonant / Vowel
  • cvccvvc = Consonant / Vowel / Consonant / Consonant / Vowel / Vowel / Consonant
  • vvcvvccv = Vowel / Vowel / Consonant / Vowel / Vowel / Consonant / Consonant / Vowel
  • cvvcvvc = Consonant / Vowel / Vowel / Consonant / Vowel / Vowel / Consonant

Please note that probably not all generated codes can be pronounced, due to an unusual combination of characters. Also note that only lowercase characters are used to make the codes more readable.

What is the maximum length for a generated code?

The maximum length for a single code is 100 positions.

How random are the codes?

Pretty random.

Unfortunately, it is theoretically impossible to prove that the generated codes are really random. However, there is a little test devised by Bo Allen which creates a visual representation of the randomness. Because the human eye is very good at spotting patterns, this gives an impression of the randomness of the generator - the more random the image looks, the better the generator works.

True Randomness
True random (Random.org)
True Randomness
Pseudo random (PHP rand() )
True Randomness
This generator

The Pseudo Random Number Generator which is used by the PHP rand() function shows some clearly defined patterns, which are essentially predictable results. The randomness created by this generator matches the randomness generated by the True Random Number Generator from Random.org.

Which algorithm is used to create the random codes?

This tool uses the Mersenne Twister algorithm, which is a very fast (pseudo)random number generator.

Can I use this tool to create existing giftcard codes

Sometimes we get the question if our application can generate valid giftcard vouchers. Even if it can, we warn you that this application is not meant to be used to commit fraud and "replicate" giftcard vouchers.

The chance that our application creates a valid voucher code is extremely small and definitely not worth the effort. You are probably better off taking a chance guessing a valid code, or just buying the giftcard voucher. It will take you considerably less time and effort. Besides that, if you try to misuse the Random Code Generator this way, you are in violation of our terms (and probably also the terms of the company that you are trying to "steal" the voucher code from).

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